Getting it right!
We’ve all been there…
“I don’t want anything off the length, I don’t want it layered, or any big change….” Moments later – your client looks in the mirror and laments that his/her hair looks the same as it did when they entered the salon! This is where our skills come into force.
The role of a stylist is varied, of course, providing great service and a good hair style is paramount but amongst other things, you have to play amateur psychologist!
Understanding your client is the single most important skill you require. The best way to avoid disasters in the chair is being clear about what you want, sounds obvious but often a client’s view of something may be clouded by celebrity styling, the texture, colour or length of their hair.
“I’ve just split up with my girlfriend/boyfriend and want to dye my hair black and shave it off”…. It may be something the client thinks that he/she wants, however, given a few more days or weeks could feel different and your gentle persuasion has saved them from potential disaster.
Images are helpful when you’re establishing your needs and hopefully, your stylist will be able to talk you through your options, using photos or pictures as a starting point.
The Long Goodbye
It can be very tiring standing on your feet all day, even more so when you are pregnant. Deciding when to go on maternity leave can be tricky as the closer you work to the due date, the more time you can take afterwards and still be paid. However, hairdressing is standing on your feet all day and this along with being heavily pregnant, must be considered for your own health and of course that of the baby.
Our lovely stylist Emma has begun her maternity leave but before she left, we made sure we gave her a good send off. We all descended upon TGIF’s for dinner along with balloons, cake and lots of baby talk! We hope you like the photos and of course we will let everyone know when she is planning on her return to work – but for now, we wish her well and insist she shares photos of the baby when she arrives!
Emma’s will be the 13th baby born to people whilst employed at 77 The Hill! Ranging in age from new-born to twenty years.