Hair up or down!
Special occasions in our lives are special for many reasons.
A party, graduation, birthday or wedding to name but a few.
An occasion when little extras lift an outfit to the next level, such as heels, diamond jewellery or a good hairstyle.
When your average, everyday jeans won’t do the occasion justice or you need to make an impression or are the centre of attention because you’re a bride or have a special birthday, your hair can be your crowning glory!
There are hundreds of hairstyles to suit everyone on the planet. How you wear it is more personal to you. If you need to look your very best and a bit beyond, think about wearing your hair up, or having a big bouncy blow dry.
Fine hair can be made to look thicker by using the right products or adding extra hair. This can be done using extensions, tapes or a hair piece. Hair up can make it seem as though the hair is thicker.
A large bouncy blow dry can look amazing too. With the right tools and products, a lot of volume can be added.
Additional factors to consider
There are factors that need to be taken into account when opting for hair up or big blow dries.
For example – wedding hair that needs to stay put for many hours, should be done at the last minute. This isn’t always possible because a bride may need to be ready way before the wedding starts.
Any accessories should be tried and tested pre-wedding to avoid any stress on the day. Web knew of a bride that wore a very heavy tiara and it became quite painful very quickly, carrying all the weight around all day!
Appropriate clothing should be worn to the appointment too. You wouldn’t want to be dragging a large jumper over your head to ruin a beautiful blow dry!
Trials are always best. That way everyone involved can be sure that it will all come together at the right time and that the client is happy with the style.
The right hair for the right occasion can really make a huge difference for a finished look.
Our hair up expert is Michaela and if you need advice on styling for a particular occasion or a consultation, she will be delighted to talk to you.