As we move on – with caution
Changes are coming but are we ready for them?
The government have announced that we can lift restrictions and try to learn to live with covid.
We are all used to wearing face masks and washing our hands as many times as possible throughout the day. We are used to social distancing and eating outside when possible but a huge debate hangs in the air – are we all ready to go back to normal?
The idea of being free and not having to think about protecting ourselves, is of course, very tempting however, this comes at a price.
Numbers are rising creating a third wave and no one wants to see the NHS overwhelmed or as many deaths as during the first and second waves. We have our vaccines and this offers good protection against the virus, so do we lift restrictions or take a more cautious approach?
Hairdressers work in close proximity with clients as do people in the beauty industry and if a staff member contracts covid, we would most likely have to close the salon down. We are all trying to catch up from the previous lockdowns and closing is the last thing we want to do.
Keeping our team and clients safe must be our priority so we will continue with our strict cleaning programme and the use of PPE including face masks until we feel we can relax the rules some more.
It is no longer the law to wear face masks but we will encourage clients to wear them. Our team are happy to carry on to protect clients and themselves.
Let’s hope that the vaccine does its job and we can all eventually be free but until there’s a change in numbers, we will do what it takes to stay safe.
We would like to congratulate our lovely stylist Richard and his partner Sophie on the safe arrival of their baby boy this week. Richard will be back at work after spending some precious time with his new family.