Salon life – before covid 19!
It’s hard to remember life before covid now!
It has completely taken over every aspect of our day to day lives and our working environment is a million miles away from what it used to be. From having magazines available, offering refreshments or just simply hugging our clients, none of it is permitted anymore and it’s hard to see a time when all of those things can happen again, safely.
Not long before we were taken over by a horrible virus, we had a lot of plans for the salon and one of the things that thankfully did take place towards the end of 2019, was a photoshoot.
We have only just had the photos edited and sorted and are now proudly on display in the salon.
We used our own models and clothing and we are really proud of our first home-produced collection. Our make-up artist was the wonderful Bianca Spencer. Look her up on social media and see some of her great work.
We are definitely fired up to do more and learnt a lot from the first one. Please take a look at the photos in this article.
Since returning back to the salon, we have been open 7 days a week from 8.00 am until 9.00 pm.
This was to allow for social distancing, which was 2 meters at the time. Then the government announced that we could cut that down to 1 meter, as long as we wear masks and a visor. We have continued to work longer hours to keep the number of clients to a minimum at any one time when we could have had more people in the salon and still been safe.
We are now happy to announce that as from Tuesday, September the 15th, we are going back to a more normal timetable. We are truly grateful to our wonderful clients for their patience in getting an appointment and our team who have worked tirelessly without complaint, in some very difficult circumstances.
We will of course still be taking all the precautions we can to minimise risk and keep clients and staff safe. We have a stringent cleaning programme and when we return to normal hours, you will notice we are taking every other chair away and replacing it with a screen for your protection.
We will continue to wear masks and visors, clean equipment, wash our hands and keep to one client per appointment. We are really looking forward to working together again and we appreciate our jobs and know how lucky we are to work in a fantastic environment, making people look and feel beautiful.
One thing will stay and that is late night opening. Our evening appointments have proved to be extremely popular and our hair director and Angela, a senior stylist are going to be here until 9.00 pm Thursday and Fridays, every other week, for the foreseeable future. This will be great for people who don’t want to spend their days off at the weekend, in the salon, or they may be working from home and can come in when their work is done!